Saturday, February 6, 2010

No magic file found in flash -- Booting in ROMMON mode

If you have a router that goes directly in ROMMON mode and is returned with an error "No magic file found in flash"

Couple of solutions,

If you get a message saying "no magic number found" then chances are your EEPROM has gotten corrupted. You probably will have to replace the box or call Cisco TAC. This is from Cisco's CCO:

"No magic number found in RP1 EEPROM
Explanation The structure containing the system MAC address needed by the OIR facility cannot be found in the RP EEPROM. The RP must be returned for reprogramming.

Recommended Action Return the RP for reprogramming and call your technical support representative for assistance. "

You can try the following methods to recover your box.

(1)Check the confreg value and make sure it correct.
show config
Configuration register is 0x2102.

(2)Try booting from ROMMON mode only
u can try following commands
TFTP_FILE= bootable image file

(3) XModem
It can be done using Xmodem through the console connection. It takes a LONG time compared to other methods, but you can speed it up a little bit by changing the baud rate on the console from 9600 to 19200 or whatever is the fastest. This can be done in ROMMON. Don't forget to also change the baud on your serial connection on your laptop. Some of the particulars of how to do this depend on what program you use--hyperterm, teraterm, etc.

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