The task was to call from SIP to SCCP Phone and vice versa
Well actually i was testing a scenario in my lab, where i was using two cme routers. One configured as SIP gateway and other as an H323 gateway.
On the H323 router i only have configured SCCP phones but on other one just the SIP phone using 3cx. exten of SIP phone was 5001 and for SCCP it was 3001
I initially could calls from SIP phone to SCCP but cant make from SCCP to SIP.
Even though respected voip dial-peers were created and voip service voip command configured with sip to h323 and vice versa but that didn't give me a joy....
Lets look what actually i did
--On h323 gateway;
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
ephone-dn 3
number 3001
label first_3001
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0200.4C4F.4F52
type CIPC
button 1:3
dial-peer voice 50 voip
destination-pattern 5...
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
----On SIP gateway;
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
registrar server
voice register dn 1
number 5001
allow watch
name 3cx
voice register pool 1
id mac 0200.4C4F.4F54
number 1 dn 1
username test password test
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 30 voip
destination-pattern 3...
session target ipv4:
After spending alot of time digging into incoming and outgoing they actually works ...I finally got it all working...yeaaah.
I actually was missing the right codecs Now the below configs works just perfect . Now i do have calls from both ends.
dial-peer voice 30 voip ----- thats an outgoing dial peer
destination-pattern 3...
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
SIP# sh voice register pool 1 --- output
dial-peer voice 40001 voip --- the implicit dial-peer created for incoming calls
destination-pattern 5001
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
codec g711ulaw bytes 160
dial-peer voice 50 voip ----- thats an outgoing dial peer
destination-pattern 5...
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
Also there is the output of the 'debug voice dialpeer all' that helped me alot
---------------AT SIP GW---------
Mar 1 00:31:05.599: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeersCore:
Calling Number=, Called Number=5001, Peer Info Type=DIALPEER_INFO_SPEECH
*Mar 1 00:31:05.599: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeersCore:
Match Rule=DP_MATCH_DEST; Called Number=5001
*Mar 1 00:31:05.603: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchCore:
Dial String=5001, Expanded String=5001, Calling Number=
Timeout=TRUE, Is Incoming=FALSE, Peer Info Type=DIALPEER_INFO_SPEECH
*Mar 1 00:31:05.611: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/MatchNextPeer:
Result=Success(0); Outgoing Dial-peer=40001 Is Matched
*Mar 1 00:31:05.619: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeersCore:
Result=Success(0) after DP_MATCH_DEST
*Mar 1 00:31:05.619: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeers:
List of Matched Outgoing Dial-peer(s):
1: Dial-peer Tag=40001
---------------AT H323 GW---------
Dial String=5001, Expanded String=5001, Calling Number=
Timeout=TRUE, Is Incoming=FALSE, Peer Info Type=DIALPEER_INFO_SPEECH
*Mar 1 00:31:09.251: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/MatchNextPeer:
Result=Success(0); Outgoing Dial-peer=50 Is Matched
*Mar 1 00:31:09.255: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeersCore:
Result=Success(0) after DP_MATCH_DEST
*Mar 1 00:31:09.259: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpMatchPeers:
List of Matched Outgoing Dial-peer(s):
1: Dial-peer Tag=50
*Mar 1 00:31:09.263: //13/6C99EB548014/CCAPI/ccCallFeature:
Feature Type=25, Call Id=13
My project required to integrate dialer
with voice playing ability, fax detection and digit recognition
I bought
and that guys provide great support
Hello i wanted to ask for your help about this lab can you contact me?
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